Dental Implants
Originally developed in the 1960’s, dental implants are the best choice on the market and the closest replacement to natural teeth possible.
Having gone through thousands of testing and scientific studies, dental implants have a proven success rate of over 96% in replacing one or more lost teeth. The optimal solution when missing multiple natural teeth is a Complex Implant Retained Denture.
A dental implant is an artificial root that is firmly anchored to the jawbone and is usually made from titanium. Titanium has been proven to be well accepted by living tissue and adverse reactions are extremely rare. The implant functions as a tooth root and acts as a post for the denture. Special attachments are then placed on the dental implant and in the denture in order for them to fit together. The number of implants required will vary based on the patient’s needs, available bone, and health.
Dentists or Oral Surgeons will place the dental implant, and will work with us to coordinate the denture fabrication to be placed on those implants.
Done as an outpatient procedure, the dental implant is inserted into the jaw bone by a short operation under local anaesthetic. The body then integrates the implant into the bone painlessly, creating a solid base for a long term and stable fixation of the denture. The length of the integration process will vary, but usually takes around 3 months.
Whether or not the implant can be loaded (denture attached) immediately after insertion will be determined by the dental professional (dentist, oral surgeon) after carefully considering the medical situation. If the denture cannot be attached immediately, an aesthetic temporary denture is placed until then.
Implants transfer chewing forces directly to the jaw bone. This stress is similar to chewing with natural teeth, allowing the jaw to preserve its natural shape and help limit shrinking or bone loss. This stress concept is the same as in exercise where muscles pulling on bone increase/maintain bone strength. Once bone is lost it can only be rebuilt thru surgeries such as bone grafting.
Conventional bridges require the neighbouring teeth to be ground down to carry the new teeth – effectively damaging the existing teeth. Dental implants prevent this damage from being necessary.
- A secure, stable set of teeth that function as close to natural teeth as possible.
- Relief from painful pressure spots and poor fit.
- An open palate allowing for a normal enjoyment of the feel and taste of food.
- Better speech and pronunciation.
- Increased confidence and peace of mind to enjoy any social occasion or activity.
A good general state of health, good oral hygiene and adequate bone quality and volume are required. Dental implants are also suitable for any age group in which the jaw growth is complete.
The number one thought most people have about dental implants are that they are expensive and unattainable. However, with the advances in technology, there are many different options available in a variety of price ranges that may surprise you. The treatment required, the number and type of implants, and any restorative work needed all make up the variables of what a specific cost entails. As there are currently no set prices between dental professionals, it is difficult in determining the actual costs without having a treatment consult done. Our goal is to provide you with all the necessary information so you can make an informed decision.