Complete Dentures

Complete or Full Dentures are the conventional method of providing patients with functioning teeth to replace missing naturals. Acrylic teeth are set into tissue colored acrylic. The dentures are held in place by suction on the upper jaw and by the ridge of bone on the lower jaw.  They are made using a Standard or a Complex technique.

  • Provides basic function of eating and appearance.
  • Initially cheaper.
  • Surgery not necessary.
  • Possible impaired speech.
  • Diminished sense of taste due to a covered palate.
  • Possible food restrictions due to chewing ability.
  • Moving dentures as they are not fixed in place.
  • A moving denture can lead to painful pressure or sore spots.
  • Possible food under the dentures.
  • Lack of bone stimulation increasing risk of bone loss, especially affecting the lower ridge.
  • Decreased self-confidence due to fear of dentures falling out.

As the body ages, many of these disadvantages worsen.  An example is the bone reabsorption in the jaw. As this occurs, there is less ridge for a denture to fit on, creating a sliding or floating lower denture. This movement can create excess flabby tissue to form on the lower ridge (gums).  This results in a similar scenario of trying to chew with your teeth sitting on sponges.  Very difficult to exert the necessary pressure to where it’s needed.